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Recently, ISO Technical Management Board formed a new “Strategic Advisory Group on Environmental, Social and Governance eco-sphere” (SAG-ESG) focusing on disclosure frameworks for ESG reporting.

ISO 26000 gives several recommendations related to communication and reporting (e.g. cl. 7.5.3). The approach when drafting the recommendations in ISO 26000 was to focus on a stakeholders and different types of reporting were discussed:

  1. Sustainability reporting = to all stakeholders that want to understand how the entity contributes to sustainable environmental, social, economic development
  2. Integrated reporting = to all stakeholders that want to assess the value of the enterprise taking, taking into account environmental/social/economic risks and opportunities
  3. Extended Financial reporting = to primarily investors and capital markets, taking into account environmental/social/economic risks and opportunities.
  4. Financial reporting = to primarily investors and capital markets

This initiative by ISO TMB seems to be focused on 3. Extended Financial Reporting? We will see! Exciting times!

This is the draft Terms of Reference for the SAG-ESG and some of the involved experts. It is likely possible to particpate through the National Standards Body if they are involved.

The SAG-ESG is split into the three Task Groups:

TG 1 Mapping

  • Identify alignment, gaps, and opportunities for ISO, utilizing the mapping of the current ESG disclosure frameworks, standards, and indicators to ISO standards
  • Develop recommendations and guidance on how to strengthen the linkage between ISO standards and ESG disclosure frameworks for ESG reporting

TG 2 Stakeholder Engagement

  • Map stakeholders in the ESG ecosystem
  • Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to provide a mechanism to effectively collaborate with stakeholders in the ESG ecosystem at the technical and strategic policy level. The strategy shall identify clear roles and responsibilities within ISO and in relation to its membership).
  • Develop recommendations for tools to support TCs who may have linkages to ESG considerations.

TG 3 User Needs

  • Develop recommendations on how the ISO/CASCO toolbox can help solve some of the challenges identified, including a pilot of how to leverage the ISO/CASCO toolbox to meet users’ needs in the ESG ecosystem
  • Provide advice on mechanisms to effectively coordinate activities in ISO Technical Committees to enable alignment of standardization deliverables with primary ESG disclosure frameworks and the defined engagement strategy
  • Develop recommendations for tools to support TCs who may have linkages to ESG considerations

Note: all three TGs have also the mandate to “Articulate the value proposition that ISO brings to the ESG ecosystem”

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