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Latest ISO 26000 news

PPO meeting NIN last week

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PPO meeting NIN: last week the leadership met with the NIN (the NSBs information network) . The countries that participated, e.g. Brazil, Panama, France. Sweden Canada, contributed with important information regarding for example timing and scope of the systematic review.… Read More »PPO meeting NIN last week

SDG Linkage document

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Update April 6: ISO will develop their own ISO 26000/SDG brochure and Staffan will contribute to this and also get input from others. In the end it will be a ISO CS document and not a PPO document which is… Read More »SDG Linkage document

ISO 26000 for free!

100 physical copies of ISO 26000 in English have been purchased and are now available for distribution to key individuals. Please contact if you have suggestions of such key individuals. ISO 26000 is, as all ISO standards, copyright protected… Read More »ISO 26000 for free!