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About the website

This website is published by editor Staffan Söderberg (AMAP Sustainability), email contact. Mr Söderberg was the vice chair of the ISO 26000 Working Group on Social Responsibility between the years 2005-2010. After publication ISO initiated the ISO 26000 Post Publication Organisation (ISO 26000 PPO) for which Mr. Söderberg was the vice chair during its existence 2010-2018.

Information on website is not official information from ISO or any other organisation mentioned (e.g. PPO, GRI, ILO, OECD, SIS, ABNT). Final interpretation of the documents mentioned on this site is up to the reader using the original source document. Contributing writers are responsible for their material.

No copyright: You are welcome to use any information provided on for free and in any commercial or non-commercial situation. You decide if you want to make reference to this website as source of the information or not. Make sure you adhere to copyright requirements related to sources and documents mentioned on It is basic socially responsible behaviour.

Thank you for making the website possible

This website was made possible partly as a result of the much appreciated 2016 Environmental Award from The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers and Swedbank Robur. Contact the Editor if you want to sponsor this site. and AMAP
AMAP Sustainability