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Post Publication Organization 2010-2018

The ISO 26000 Post Publication Organization (PPO) was formed by ISO Tecnical Management Board based on the recommendation from the stakeholders at the final plenary of the working group drafting the standard. ISO 26000 PPO was not a formal ISO-body (e.g. committee, working group).

This PPO Secretariat, the Terms of Reference, was formed by SIS and ABNT by appointing chair Mr. Jorge Cajazeira, vice chair Mr. Staffan Söderberg, secretary e.g. Ms. Tina Bohlin, and co-secretary Eduardo Campos de Sao Thiago. The PPO was active 2010 – 18 July 2018.

The PPO had operating procedures and two important bodies available for advice and support:
the SAG – Stakeholder Advisory Group  that is similar to the former ISO 26000 Working Group Chairs Advisory Group where leaders in the development of ISO 26000 as well as stakeholder groups (that set up their own networks and representatives), were present
the NIN – NSB Information Network which consisted of Chairs and Secretaries of the approximately 50 National Mirror Committees (NMCs) handling issues related to ISO 26000. It was (and is) up to local stakeholders and NSBs to set up and manage national mirror committees, strongly recommended to do so in a stakeholder balanced way.

Since publication of ISO 26000, the PPO met with its stakeholder advisory group on average three times per year, once per year face-to-face. The PPO was also closely listening to the discussions and information shared between stakeholder in the 18 000 member strong open LinkedIn group on ISO 26000.

Almost all PPO documents, e.g. notes from meetings with advisory bodies SAG and NIN, are available at the PPO livelink website. Here are some of the main activities carried out by PPO:

Post Publication Organization Helpdesk

PPO responded to questions from users of the ISO 26000, from NSBs, and other stakeholders. Many questions reached the helpdesk through the ISO 26000 page at ISO website.

Annual survey

The PPO conducted an annual survey via ISO Central Secretariat to the 160+ ISO member countries, represented by the National Standards Bodies (NSBs).

Ad Hoc groups

1. Basic training material: a set of slides and a PPO-protocol on training has been developed by an ad hoc group with members from PPO SAG.

2. Linkages to International documents: prepared/contributed to documents that helped practitioners use ISO 26000 in parallel with other similar international documents (e.g OECD MNE, UN GC, GRI, SDGs). More information in the section about ISO 26000.

Systematic review

A questionnaire is sent out from ISO to the members to find out is the standard is confirmed, should be withdrawn, or needs to be amended. In support, PPO prepared and analyzed information prior, during and after the systematic review that ISO CS manages. It wad then ISO TMB that decided what the final result of the systematic review is. The first systematic review was performed 2013/14 and the second one 2017 resulted in a confirmation: the standard was decided to remain unchanged.


Members of the PPO Secretariat as well as members of the stakeholder advisory group (SAG) and the NSB information network (NIN) was often invited to speak at conferences. Sometimes PPO Secretariat engaged in arranging conferences, such as in Geneva, in Indonesia, and in Stockholm.

The PPO Secretariate
The PPO Secretariate